
At the age of two a game for a child is his life. There is a place for dolls, which you can share your child’s problems, for dishes where you can cook and serve “guests.” Pyramids, cubes, cars, trains – all these toy are interesting for a two years old child.

At the age of three a kid is interested in games with plot. He or she becomes a doctor, barber, mother, tutor. Game based on the accumulated knowledge and experiences is the crystallization of the child’s views about the world, repetition of his experience of life.

The complexity of the situations invented by a child during the “dialogue” with the doll, amusement and ingenuity of their “conversations” convey the mood of the child, his attitude to people, the first principles of life.

Barbie doll – the dream of every girl. You can change doll’s clothes and do different hairstyles. Playing with it fosters a sense of color, taste, and contributes to understanding the components of the “family”, “friends,” “profession”. As soon as children plunge into a fantasy world of Barbie, it immediately appears mother and younger sister, friend and girlfriend, people of different skin color and representatives from various nations. Barbie is an athlete or a dancer, a designer of children’s hair or a doctor, a housewife or a presidential candidate, Cinderella or a princess, she has her own home – cozy and beautiful.

Construction toys for the child will give the opportunity to feel the architect and builder all rolled into one. Your baby will receive a lot of fun, while building a tower or the entire city from brightly colored parts. Such games are developing logic, a sense of symmetry of the child. Mosaic also contributes to the development of logical thinking.

Be sure that in the arsenal of your baby there are pencils of different colors, fit and color pens, and chalk. Drawing develops the child’s imagination and enables him to express himself. Do not be surprised if the sun in your baby’s picture is purple, you may have a growing future Van Gogh.


Source by I Makarov